Take this quiz to find out if you are a perfect- perfectionist!

  1. ​Your refrigerator shelves are organized by category and size order and you have a five-minute mental dilemma when the spicy mayo you use for Asian dishes can go with the ketchup, mayo, mustard shelf, or with the Asian sauces shelf.
  2. Your favorite response is “Perfect!”
  3. You can painstakingly search on Pinterest, Google, and Instagram for the BEST _______ (insert here: sofa, outfit, party decorations, gifts) for hours until you dream with websites, prices, and coupon codes and end up deciding on the first thing you saw anyway.
  4. You spend thirty minutes tugging at your kids right before family photos to make sure everyone’s hair is parted the perfect way to the point that you are yelling and frustrated and somehow you muster your best and brightest smile for the camera. Oh, and everyone’s outfit matches- but not in the tacky same outfit for all- but by color gradients of the same hue.
  5. Your expectations for anything important to you are HUMONGOUS. So you may lose sleep, change your eating habits, and worry about how it will turn out during days or weeks before the event.
  6. You first focus on what’s missing versus what’s right. So, the C on your child’s report card overshadows all of the A’s and B’s.
  7. The house needs to be tidy at all times. Clutter, uneven surfaces, crumbs on the countertop boil your blood.
  8. You cannot accept a compliment from anyone because you know either they are lying to make you feel good or because you know how much better it could have been if you did x,y, or z.
  9. You love to help others. If you help others, they will like you and will appreciate you. But they have to do what you suggest, because if not, well then, it won’t be right.
  10. You don’t understand why there is push back from others when you suggest what you know 100% is the right thing to do and they don’t do it. Resentment and feeling unappreciated are common feelings.
  11. You need to be in control. You manage the grocery shopping, the kids’ activities, family trips and you think of everything. Logistics and preparing for mishaps is your specialty.
  12. Mistakes are your worst enemy. Either you cannot admit to having made them, you justify why they happened, or you beat yourself up and can’t let them go.
  13. Because you want to help others, you can pinpoint other people’s flaws with razor-sharp shrewdness. Most people cannot meet your expectations, hence you need to help them (control their behaviors) to become the person you need them to be to have a perfect life.
  14. You feel like you need to be ALL to everyone around you. The superwoman complex. If you aren’t the best mom, the best wife, the best friend, and the best employee who the heck are you?
  15. Asking for help is viewed as a sign of weakness. Trusting in your friends and loved ones with your problems is a huge risk. Will they still love you? Will they look at you differently now?

Did you answer yes to 3 or more questions? Well, then you might be a perfectionist. Perfectionism, just as everything in life has its great qualities – but when it dictates your life, you lose out on ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you were so painstakingly trying to achieve by being perfect. It’s only when you let go, can you actually start to live the life you want with your family. I can help you live a life without the heaviness of unrealistic expectations.  Call me to schedule a free perfectionist consult today.