Perfectionist Chalkboard Effect

These four-letter words can sound like nails on a chalkboard for a perfectionist. 

If you agree with any of the above, you might be a perfectionist and you may be suffering from anxiety and/or depression. It can seem like living on a hamster wheel, the faster life goes, the more you put on your plate and less balance you have over life. Sometimes, it can seem like all you want is to be able to count on someone but there is no one there to give you a hand. Sometimes, you wish you could just relax and let others take the reign, but you know that their help won’t meet your standards. You want to show and receive love from your family but you mostly receive pushback because you don’t realize how often you criticize instead of love. If you identify with any of this, there is help and I can help you resolve these issues to lead a life you enjoy and let go of all the should’s.