Is Your Kid an Introvert?
Children who are introverts are commonly described as shy, but, they just need a little more time than others to participate in social gatherings. The other day I gave a talk at a local private school on discipline and temperament and how as parents we really need to tailor our parenting style to our kid’s temperament – if we plan on things going a bit more smoothly and if we want to set a solid foundation for our child’s self-esteem. It reminded me of this article I wrote for Bundoo with tips on how to parent an introverted child.
The key to parenting an introverted child is to do your best to empathize and understand what your child is experiencing and to keep your expectations realistic. Observe them and their reactions to different situations. You should not aim to change your child’s temperament but instead, provide him or her with the tools they need to successfully navigate situations that are challenging for them.
- Read up on temperament. Temperament is not something your child chooses or something that you caused. This will help you better understand how to support your child.
- Prepare your child for social events. Describe to your child where you are going, who will be there, and what kind of event you will be attending. A prepared child will cope better.
- Explain any upcoming changes. When anticipating a new event or change in routine, describe, and explain to your child what is to come. Let them know, and give them the time they need to process and sort out any fears related to the change.
- Plan for extra time. Given that your child may need more time than anticipated to cope with changes, include that extra time in the schedule of your daily activities.
- Allow them their downtime. Introverts tend to have incredible imaginations and enjoy playing on their own or with few friends.
I came across another article written by Raquel Anderson, a Bundoo colleague – that posed it the other way- how to be a parent as an introvert yourself- and I wanted to share. But remember to go easy on yourself and keep in mind your deserve to be a person too.